CIPSA Redlines
This page features photos of my personal CIPSA collection. For the CIPSA story, click on the logo above!

Collection as of July 2013 in a new custom display.
Each car is shown here in alphabetical order.

Bugeye in dark blue
The first known Bugeye, a gift from a friend

Bugeye in green

Bugeye in gold

Bugeye in all three colors

Carabo in Mustard

Carabo in Blue with Kid Paint Black Details

Mint Condition Cockney Cab in Red

Cockney Cab in Blue

Cockney Cab in Mustard Yellow

All four colors of the Classic Cord

Ferrari 312P in enamel red

Ferrari 312P, in green

Ferrari 512S, from the Mad Hunter collection

Hairy Hauler in Chrome!

Hairy Hauler in Orange Enamel

Hairy Hauler in Pink Over Chrome

Hairy Hauler in Metallic Blue

Hairy Hauler in Metallic Green

Five of the six known colors of the Hairy Hauler

Beautiful Hiway Robber in red with no red stripes on the wheels. This one was stolen in 2006 at the HW Convention.

Hiway Robber in light blue with faded metallic redline wheels

A lesser condition Hiway Robber with metallic redlines from the MadHunter collection

A replacement for the stolen Hiway Robber, not quite as clean but nice.

Hiway Robber in Orange Enamel

All three known colors of the Hiway Robber

Jet Threat in Light Blue, metallic redlines (1)

Jet Threat in Light Blue, metallic redlines (6)

Jet Threat in Light Blue, with no red stripe on the wheels (4)

Jet Threat in Orange, with no red stripe on the wheels

Jet Threat in Orange, with mix of capped and through hole wheels - Possibly reconstructed?

Jet Threat in Orange, with no red stripe on the wheels

Jet Threat in red, near mint, all original. Stolen at the 2006 at the HW Convention.

Replacement for the stolen one with metallic redlines

Jet Threat in red, with mix of capped and through hole wheels - Possibly reconstructed?

Jet Threat in red with no red stripe on the wheels

All three known colors of the Jet Threat
Mantis in Enamel Orange
Mantis in metallic blue
Mantis in metallic green
Mantis in metallic purple
All four colors of the Mantis
Mighty Maverick in enamel orange with wing
Mighty Maverick in metallic purple
Mighty Maverick in metallic blue
Mighty Maverick in metallic green
A CHIPSA Mighty Maverick in Metallic Gold...
Mercedes Benz 280 SL in Red with Sand Witch Interior!
Mercedes Benz 280 SL in Yellow
Mod Quad, only complete one known
Mongoose Funny Car
Another Purple Mongoose Funny Car, Near mint
Mongoose Funny Car
Mongoose Funny Car
Mongoose Funny Car, All four colors
Mustang Stocker from the Circuito Diabolico Set
Odd Job
Odd Job, completely original
Odd Job, completely original
Porsche P911 from the Circuito Diabolico Set
Porche P917
Porche P917
Porche P917
Porche P917 in Green
Peeping Bomb in yellow
Peeping Bomb in Pink!
Peeping Bomb in blue
Peeping Bomb in green
Peeping Bomb in red
All five colors of the Peeping Bomb
Pit Crew in black
Pit Crew in tan
Pit Crew in White
All three colors of the Pit Crew Car
Rear Engine Dragster in Yellow
The yellow Snake was made with Sizzler front wheels! One of my first CIPSA's
Rear Engine Dragster in Red
Rear Engine Dragster in Green
Rear Engine Dragster in Blue
Rear Engine Dragsters in all four of the known colors
Rocket Bye Baby in black enamel
Rocket Bye Baby in dark blue enamel
Rocket Bye Baby in brown enamel
All three colors of the Rocket Bye Baby
Sand Witch
Sand Witch in Red (7)
Sand Witch in yellow
Light Blue Sand Witch
Sand Witch in three colors
Seasider in red
Seasider in blue
Seasider in green, kidpainted?
Seasider in green
Seasider in Mustard
All Four Colors of the Seasider
Side Kick in green, very rare, one of two known
Side Kick in blue, one of one
Side Kick in Mustard
Side Kick in Red
All 4 Colors of the Side Kick
Six Shooter in blue
Six Shooter in Green
Six Shooter in Red
Six Shooter, Mustard
All four colors of the Six Shooter
Snake Funny Car
Snake Funny Car with original sticker
Snake Funny Car in Purple
Sugar Caddy
The only known CIPSA sealed blister pack
Superfine Turbine in Green Enamel
Superfine Turbine in Brown Enamel
Superfine Turbine Yellow/Orange Enamel
Near Mint Superfine Turbine Yellow/Orange Enamel
Superfine Turbine in Orange Enamel
All four colors of the Superfine Turbine
Swingin' Wing Chrome(repro wing)
Swingin' Wing in Green
Swingin' Wing (repro wing)
Swingin' Wing in Pink Chrome
T42 in Blue
T42 in mustard
T42 All Four Colors
Whip Creamer in Metallic Blue
Whip Creamer in Metallic Pink
Whip Creamer in Metallic Green
Three colors of the Whip Creamer
The only known sealed, complete track set

Collection as of January 2016.
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