Over 100 detailed drawings of trilobite species in the 8 Orders!
(Order Lichida)
Pictorial Guide to the Orders of Trilobites
Now Available in Hardcopy Adaptation
Many people prefer to flip through a book version of information that they find on the internet. I have spent many hours converting the most salient info from this website to fit a 8.5 x 11" sheet format.  Anyone who has tried to convert a website to a printable form realizes what a daunting undertaking this can be. The resulting document is 90 pages long. I am offering it in a color printable pdf format. The pdf file can be printed on any standard color laser printer, then bound in any way you please. For best results, use a two-sided print mode. Take a look below at some of the sample pages and at the Table of Contents (which parallels the pages of this website). Ordering information is provided at page bottom. 

Note: The sample images provided below are reductions of the 8.5 x 11" pages and have been converted to greyscale. They are provided to give you a feel for the appearence of printed page. The actual printed output is of course sharper than my scans of them, and include both color and B&W images!

This page last revised 19 May 2008 by S.M.Gon III
click to view a larger image
title page
click to view a larger image
rise and fall
click to view a larger image
dorsal morphology
click to view a larger image
 internal anatomy
click to view a larger image
the trilobite eye
click to view a larger image
click to view a larger image
Asaphida gallery
click to view a larger image
Phacopida guide
click to view a larger image
Redlichiida summary

What Are Trilobites?
Glossary of Trilobite Terms
Trilobites Among the Major Arthropod Groups
Trilobite Systematic Relationships and Chronological Extent
When Did Trilobites Exist?
Major Trilobite Features
Trilobite Dorsal Morphology
Trilobite Ventral Morphology
Trilobite Internal Anatomy
Trilobite Facial Sutures
The Trilobite Eye
Pygidium Size Relative to Cephalon
Hypostome Attachment and Alignment
Trilobite Ontogeny (Development)
Trilobite Enrollment
Trilobite Ecology and Ancient Environments
Trilobite Feeding Habits
Evolutionary Trends in Trilobites
Trilobite Paleogeography
Systematic Listing of the Trilobite Families

Pictorial Guide to the Orders of Trilobites
Order Redlichiida
Order Agnostida
Order Corynexochida
Order Lichida
Order Phacopida
Order Ptychopariida
Order Harpetida
Order Asaphida
Order Proetida
Selected Bibliography

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1604 Olalahina Place
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