Gallery of Harpetida
last revised 30 June 2007 by S. M. Gon III

There are several stable sources of trilobite images on the web, but these are usually not arranged systematically. I have compiled just a few representative images of this order from a variety of cited sources to share with you as a resource and a link to those other sources. I encourage you to visit those excellent sites for more information. To display three across, I have often forced the images to a smaller size. To see them at full size, right-click on the image and select "View Image" from the drop-down menu. Even the most stable web sites have lapses, but please report any persistent broken links to me.

Order: Harpetida
Family: Harpetidae
Species: Harpes spasskyi

Order: Harpetida
Family: Harpididae
Species: Harpides grimmi
Source: James Cook
Can you find the line drawing of Modocia elsewhere?
Order: Harpetida
Family: Harpetidae
Species: Eoharpes sp.


Order: Harpetida
Family: Harpetidae
Species: Dolichoharpes procliva

Source: Trilobyte


Order: Harpetida
Family: Harpetidae
Species: Scotoharpes sp.
Source: Peripatus pages

Order: Harpetida
Family: Harpididae
Species: Harpides sp.

Order: Harpetida

Family: Harpetidae
Species: Harpes
Source: Guide to the Orders of Trilobites

Order: Harpetida
Family: Harpetidae
Species: Harpes spasski

Source: Paleo Relic

Order: Harpetida
Family: Harpedtida
Species: Eoharpes cristatus.
Source: Extinctions

Order: Harpetida
Family: Harpetidae
Species: Dolichoharpes sp
Source: Guide to the Orders of Trilobites
Does anyone know of any other good, stable, web sites that feature photographs of trilobites?
If so, please contact me!

Order: Harpetida
Family: Harpididae
Species: Harpides sp.
Source: Guide to the Orders of Trilobites
more images coming soon

Order: Harpetida

more images coming soon

Order: Harpetida

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Walking Trilobite animation ©2000 by S. M. Gon III