Gallery of Corynexochida
last revised 30 June 2007 by S. M. Gon III

There are several stable sources of trilobite images on the web, but these are usually not arranged systematically. I have compiled just a few representative images of this order from a variety of cited sources to share with you as a resource and a link to those other sources. I encourage you to visit those excellent sites for more information. [NOTE: These images are the result of image links to other websites. You can expect some temporary failure of images links due to maintenance or other incidents, however, if any of these images seems chronically "down", please email me so I can fix the situation. Thanks!]

Order: Corynexochida
Suborder: Illaenina
Family: Styginidae
Genus: Paralejurus
Source: Extinctions

Order: Corynexochida
Suborder: Corynexochina
Family: Oryctocephalidae
Genus: Oryctocephalus
Source: S. M. Gon III

Order: Corynexochida
Suborder: Corynexochina
Family: Oryctocephalidae
Species: Lancastria placenta
Source: Extinctions

Order: Corynexochida
Suborder: Illaenina
Family: Styginidae
Genus: Thysanopeltis
Source: Extinctions


Order: Corynexochida
Suborder: Corynexochina
Family: Zacanthoididae
Genus: Zacanthoides typicalis
Source: Extinctions

Order: Corynexochida
Suborder: Illaenina
Family: Styginidae
Genus: Kolihapeltis
Source: Extinctions

Order: Corynexochida
Suborder: Corynexochina
Family: Dolichometopidae
Species: Hemirhodon amplipyge

Order: Corynexochida
Suborder: Leiostegiina
Family: Kaolishaniidae
Genus: Mansuyia

Source: S. M. Gon III

Order: Corynexochida
Suborder: Corynexochina

Family: Dorypygidae

Species: Olenoides "trispinus
Source: Extinctions


Order: Corynexochida
Suborder: Corynexochina
Family: Oryctocephalidae
Genus: Oryctocephalites palmeri 

Does anyone know of any other good, stable, web sites that feature photographs of trilobites?

If so, please contact me!



Order: Corynexochida
Superfamily: Leiostegiina
Family: Leiostegiidae
Genus: Szechuanella

Order: Corynexochida
Suborder: Corynexochina
Family: Dorypygidae
Species: Olenoides nevadensis

.Source: Extinctions

Order: Corynexochida
Suborder: Illaenina
Family: Illaenidae
Species: Illaenus tauricornis

Source: Extinctions

Order: Corynexochida
Suborder: Illaenina
Family: Panderiidae
Genus: Panderia beaumonti

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Walking Trilobite animation ©2000 by S. M. Gon III