Some recent accolades for the Guide to the Orders of Trilobites
Selected as a web resource at

for the course: HISTORY OF THE EARTH
Selected as

by Netscape Web Editors
in the category "trilobites"
Selected as an on-line resource of the

Palaeontological Association
in the category: Fossil Sites
Listed as a web resource on arthropod evolution at the:
Identified as an important resource
for researchers, scientists, and scholars.

by the ISI editors, September 2002
Listed as a resource on invertebrate paleontology

at the University of Maryland.
Proudly receiving
the bear paw of approval
The natural world of North America
Awarded October 2001

by OD Web Editors in the category
Science:Earth Sciences:Paleontology:
Invertebrate Fossil Groups:Trilobites
Listed as a resource on

High Quality Internet Resources
relating to the Natural World
Listed as a resource on

February 2002
September 2002
Top of the Search List
January-July 2000

by AV Web Editors in the category
Science/Earth Sciences/Paleontology/ Invertebrates/Trilobites
"Excellent resource for understanding trilobites..."

by Lycos Web Editors in the category
 Science > Earth Sciences > Paleontology > Invertebrates > Trilobites
in the category "trilobites"
"... a veritable feast of
trilobitic information ..."

More Signal, Less Noise
by Netsurfer Science reviewers

March 2000
Featured in
Featured Link

in the category
Paleontology: Trilobites
Featured as a resource at:

in the category:
Paleontology & Fossils: Trilobites
Member: Fossil Web Sites Ring
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Featured Link

Kid Science

in the category "Geology"

A signpost resource site of the Internet Scout Project:

"pointing the way to the best resources on the internet -- for the education community"
Selected resource
on the
Librarians' Index to the Internet

in the category: Paleontology
Listed in the

as an

Internet Resource Guide for Zoology
in the category: Arthropods:Trilobitomorpha
Selected as an Earth Sciences Resource link of the

in the category:  Palaeontology 
Selected resource link of the

in the category: Fossils: Trilobites
"a superb collection of facts about the different species..."
Selected as a Networked Resource
of the Library at

in the Section: Biology - Zoology
Designated Education WebGuide
Best of the Web

in the category: Trilobites
Selected as an Internet Resource
for Science 639
Biological Diversity & Evolution Through Time

Wesleyan University
Selected as an Internet Resource
for a feature article on
Moroccan Trilobites in:

October 2000
Selected as an Internet Resource Link
in the category: Geology: Paleontology
for the Andersen Library of the
Selected as a Science Education Link
in the category:
Earth & Environmental Sciences

University of Sydney, Australia
Listed as a reference at the

in the category:
Natural History: Reference Tools: Invertebrate Zoology
Designated one of the 
"Best of this week's crop"
February 8, 2001
as an internet resource link
in the category: Paleontology
Awarded by Scientific American
One of the top 50 sites for 2001
Selected as a resource by

Libraries of the University of California
Recommended as a web resource by
The American Museum of Natural History

May 2001
Included as an example of 
in the category: "INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS"
JULY 2001

This award-winning site has been adapted into hardcopy form. To view sample pages, please click here

Visitors since October 1999
last revised: 09 NOV 2002 by S. M. Gon III

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