Jr. Science and Humanities Symposium
March 23 and 24, 2001
UC Irvine
Hannah submitted her paper (
"The Potential of the Pacific Oyster to Decrease Fecal Coliform Bacterial Levels")
for consideration in competing for the scholarship awarded at the regional level of this symposium. She was selected to compete by giving an oral presentation in a field of about 30 participants competing in four categories.
We (Hannah and I) drove to Irvine on Friday morning - leaving home at 6am. We met up with Ted at the Orange County Airport and made it on time for registration at UC Irvine. They treated all participants and guests to a very nice welcome lunch at the Student Center and then competition began.
I don't know who was more nervous - Hannah, Ted or I! Fortunately, all of the equipment was working as planned - the computer projector for the power point presentation and the computer itself. Hannah presented in an admirable fashion. She was very composed and her speech was very smooth and quite intelligible.
They made selections from the presentations to proceed onto the final round - to be presented on Saturday morning. Hannah was announced as a finalist! The JSHS folks again treated us to a fine meal for dinner with other participants at the hotel (that they also provided for us). We made a quick trip to IKEA afterwards - and then it was off to bed! We were all three pretty exhausted.

Saturday morning we joined the group at UC Irvine McDonnell Douglas Auditorium for breakfast and then it was presentation time! The inside of the auditorium was much more intimidating then the small conference room of Friday! Again,
Hannah presented
without a glitch - she was excellent. All 9 of the kids did great! Following are pictures of each of them (I missed Wing Y. Li of Alhambra High School presenting on "Integrin Alpha 3/beta 1 and Laminin-5 Interaction Promotes Aveolar Epitheal Wound Healing" who was selected as 1st alternate to attend to National Symposium in Florida.)
And finally - a group shot of all of the presenters!

The organizers of the regional event - Ann and George Miller - did an excellent job. The JSHS folks themselves are very generous and their support of science in High Schools is tremendous. Hannah's science teachers - Mrs. Fayla Chapman and Dr. Micheal Landino have been huge supporters of Hannah all through High School.
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