Road Cut in Wintersville, Ohio
This location is mentioned on the World Fossil Forum.
I checked it out on my way to visit my Dad on Father's Day.

South Side
I am not entirely certain I was at the specified roadcut but I seem
to have found some of the same stuff which was described on the WFF post.
It is located on US Rt. 22 near Wintersville, just west of a bridge over a valley where a rail line is visible.
The Google Earth coordinates of this particular road cut are N 40Deg 21,51.41 by W 80Deg 45,27.82.

South Side
It is safe and legal to park on the roadside. A policeman stopped to inquire if I was OK.
The limestone outcropping seemed to be exposed better on the northern face.

I found the small stuff in the bare soil above the drainage ditch on the north side.
I did not spend too much time but its not very fossiliferous.
There was evidence of plant parts further up the slope

Big chunk about 30 cm across.

This piece shows alot of detail.

Smaller pieces about 10cm

Horsetail type plant
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