Naco Paleo Site
Naco Formation
This site is about 10 miles west of Payson, Arizona.
NOTE!! It is accessible only from east-bound Highway 260
, just past mile marker 267.
There is a large green sign marking the turn off.

Naco Paleo Site
The Naco Paleo Site is a great place for kids. It is off of the highway and has ample parking.
No climbing is necessary to find lots of fossils. The fence has a zig zag entrance.

Main Exposure
The main face of the site has virgin layers exposed.

Fossils in Situ
Numerous brachiopods are sandwiched in the layers.

Talus Slope
However, there are more fossils in the talus than the face.

Area Above the Main Face
Even easier picking can be had by searching the areas above the main exposure.
Walk past the main exposure and you will find a dirt road leading up to the right.
The surfaces to the right of the road are also very rich in loose, well preserved fossils.

Typical Fossils of the Naco Paleo Site
One can expect to find a number of species of brachiopods, a variety of crinoid parts and some byrozoans.

Andi had a great time at the Naco Paleo Site!
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