Road Cut on PA Route 28 in Kittanning, PA
This site is located in western Pennsylvania, approximately
35 miles norhteast of Pittsburgh on Route 28, outside of Kittanning, PA.
Parking is easy and there are a number of road cut faces to choose from.
We chose this one on northbound 28, about a mile past the bridge over the Allegheny River.

This is eastbound/northbound Rte 28. The shale cliffs are of Pennsylvanian age.
Small fossils are found in select layers

This is looking west, back towards the river.

The cliff is about 50', don't even think about it.
There are plenty of fossils in the lower strata and in the scree.

The shale is very brittle. Fossils are found in specific layers, embedded in the shale.

This gastropod is about 3/8". This layer is at waist height in the middle of the road cut.

There are tons of these interesting concretions but there does not appear to be anything in them.

This little snail is about 1/4" in diameter and 1/2" long. That's a finger of my glove.

This fragmentary ammonite is the only sign of a larger fossil we found.
The exposed fragment is about 4". Very little of the rest was preserved.

Lots of other interesting looking things that I could not identify.

Typical finds of small gastropods, bivalves and some crinoid parts.

Other finds include horn corals, reeds and other plant stems.

Karin's favorite find of the day? Fresh raspberries in summer!

A nice easy to manage locale with well preserved small fossils.
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