Charmouth, Dorset, England
This world famous Jurassic site is about an hour and a half from London.
It was our only foray out of London during a weeklong vacation in 1991 or so.
We rented a car at Victoria Station and drove out to Lyme Regis with no problems.
We parked at the beach access in Charmouth vice Lyme Regis proper.
It was a beautiful January day and low tide to boot.

This is the rock shop located at Charmouth Beach. We bought one rock hammer but we did not really need it.

The cliffside is sloughing into the sea on a regular basis.

We did not find much in the beach rubble.

Here is Karin, hogging the rock hammer!

I found lots of belemnites in the strata along the cliff edge.

Karin found larger ammonites in the surface of the soft blue rock forming the bedrock of the beach.
I cut one out with a pocketknife.

The shark fin spine is somewhat rare. It is quite fragile.

We found these pyritized ammonites in the platform of the Black Ven. They are not well preserved.

Our display from the first time in Charmouth.
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