Brownie's Beach, MD
I first visited this site in March of 2009 with limited time on site.
I revisited this site in May 2012 with much more time to spend, so the
pics are from the two trips in sequence.
The site is located about 30 miles from Washington, DC on the Chesapeake Bay.
The beach is easily found using Google Maps and Google Earth.
It is famous for the sharks teeth which wash out of the sediments in the banks of the Chesapeake Bay.

The banks are a loose, soft clay and extend for miles.
Lots of marine clams and pectens are visible.

Lots of marine clams and pectens are visible.

Small teeth can be easily found by sieving the sand on the beach, especially along the lines of pebbles.

Don made some excellent sieves for sifting through the sand.

Michelle and I tried out several spots.She found a couple of porpoise teeth.

Don, Annie and Justin stayed near the entrance and stiff found many small teeth.

The Crew, R->L Me,Michelle, Don, Charles with Justin and Anne in front.
Charles is related to King George the 3rd.

A sampling of what can be found in about an hour. At low tide, larger stuff can be found with more time.
I revisited this site again in 2012 with more time to spend. As expected, the results were more profitable.

The parking lot sign tells the story. Fortunately, I was early for the season.

View of the beach to the south. The site is tidal. Plan your trip for low tide
else you will have limited places to hunt.

As sieve can be used to look for small teeth in the gravels along the shore.

If you want to sieve, make one with 1/4" or larger screening. Fine screens like window screen will just clog up.
Try to get 5/16" or 3/8" screen.

My lovely wife, enjoying a day on the beach.

This living fossil was hanging on the beach. I had to take his pic.

Massive blocks of the cliffs fall on a regular basis. Some layers are chock full of shells.

Sharks teeth in situ.

I finally found one tooth of respectable size.

These, along with all the other stuff are the results of about 8 hours of hunting across three days.

These are teeth sections from various types of stingrays.

Bone fragments, mostly from seals and other mammals.

Pectens, oysters and clams... Oh My!

Gastropods and the like.

The Team

Our display, a combination of Brownies Beach and Calvert Cliffs fossils.
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