Bishop Springs, Millard County, Utah

The site is located about a million miles from nowhere.
We used our GPS and directions printed in a Millard County tourist guide magazine.
I am somewhat surprised we even found the location as the directions are not that good.
This is definitely 4WD country. We came across Indian Pass but in retrospect, there appears
to be a more civilized approach from the north west.

This is what it looks like coming from the east.

The fossil bearing strata are not easily located. We searched for almost an hour before figuring out which layers contained the fossils.

We saw lots of flowers and other critters before finding any fossils.

The fossil bearing layers are a different color and are a loose clay type soil.

The fossils are phosphatized so they are mostly black against the yellow organge clay layer.

The outctops are numerous and widespread once you get your bearings.

A nicely preserved ammonite. I thought it was a chambered nautilus.

This is a sampling of what we found in about 2 hours.

Ammonite fragments





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