Aurora Fossil Museum
Miocene - Pungo Formation

The Aurora Fossil Museum
The Aurora Fossil Museum, located on the coastal plain of North Carolina features fossils from a local potash mine.
The town of Aurora is about about 1/2 hour east of Greenville, NC.

Potash Mining Company
In the past, the mine would allow the public to collect in the nine tailings. Due to legal liability
concerns, the public access has been terminated.

Drag Line Scoop
The potash mine is a surface strip mine. The large scoops are known as drag lines.

Window Displays
The windows of the museum show lots of cool fossils.

One of the Museum Rooms
The museum, although not large, houses an impressive display of fossils of many kinds.

Megalodon Teeth
The Megalodon tooth is the signature fossil of the Pungo Formation.

Extinct White Shark Dentition
Complete dentitions of other sharks are also on display.

Mako Dentition

Hexanchus Dentition

The Gift Shop
The museum is FREE. The proceeds of sales from the gift shop is one of the principle income sources.
So, if you go, buy something!

Public Access Spoil Piles
The museum provides some material from the mine spoils for the public. These, too, are free.

Sand Tiger Tooth
Although not loaded with fossils, there are plenty of small teeth and a few other interesting fossils to find.

Small Tooth in Situ

Teeth Found in the Spoil Piles
This represents about 3 hours of sifting and searching in the spoil piles.

Another great day of hunting.
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