Calymene Couche
Ordovicianian Period

Our first site of the 2nd day was near Alnif and is famous for the Flexicalymenes you see in every shop all over the world.

The couche is exposed up on the side of the mountain. Access is a short walk up the ravine.

Walking up the gullies and washes, fragments of trilobites are everywhere.
We ended up with a bag full of them! It is hard to pass them up.

The actual couche does have several excavations that are being worked.

We were joined by a Canadian family on this locality. Everyone took their chances in the couche.

We chipped away for a while but the preservation was not so good.
In most respects, the surface found trilobites are about the same quality.

As just about everywhere, the vistas are beautiful.

Although we collected a bag full of loose ones including nodules and some other fossils, the bag somehow got lost.
The samples that made it home were all from the excavation.
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