Some Pictures from Colin Reilly's Vandenberg Ride on July 26, 2000

Twenty-six SLOBS made muster on a foggy summer morning for the Vandenberg Ride.

Colin and the other Air Force guy gave out the day's marching orders.
The ride route was westerly from the main gate out towards Point Sal.

At Mile 16, the coffee stop was set up at Launch Facility 09
which is a Minuteman Missile Silo, containing an ICBM armed with three nuclear warheads.
Click on Tony Leap in the picture above to see a full size view of the crew.

The coffee stop was staffed by Duffy and Helen, supported by the two cookie bakers.
Click here to see feeding frenzy!

Jerry Lundstrom and Ted Gray.

After taking care of biz, we headed back with an optional loop around the airport making for a 41 mile ride.
Click here to see the Jerry and the Flying Leaps!

The Lotz and Spelbring Tandems.
Click here to see Dan Healy and Mary in ACTION!!

The Willibobs followed by Ted Johnson.
Click here to see more SLOBS climbing the hill.

Lunch followed at Jack's in Orcutt, famous for massive sandwiches.

Ted and Barbara Johnson

The Frequent Feeders table

Ride Master, Colin, earned his reward.

Jerry being attacked by the Banana Cream Pie!!
Ted's Biking Website